State Budget News

State House

Tell your legislators to support public education in the final FY25 budget

The MTA will be advocating for the conference committee to include in the final budget MTA-backed policies and funding levels from the House and Senate budgets.

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State Senate passes FY25 budget

Please email your state representative and senator right away and urge them to contact the budget conference committee in support of the Massachusetts Teachers Association's FY25 budget priorities.


An overview of the FY25 Senate Ways and Means budget

The SWM budget includes several significant higher education initiatives, all made possible by our Fair Share victory.


Highlights from the governor's FY25 budget

A summary of preK-12, higher education spending in House 2, the governor's proposed budget for the fiscal year that starts on July 1, 2024.


Our Priorities for the State Budget & ARPA

The FY23 state budget cycle and the expected appropriation of additional funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provide an unprecedented opportunity for the MTA to continue our campaign to end decades of disinvestment in public education.

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New Federal Funding for K-12, Higher Ed

American Rescue Plan Act provides funding for public schools and colleges

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides substantial resources for Massachusetts schools, colleges and universities.

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Budget Browser

In depth research and analysis of the state budget provided by Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center.

Budget Browser


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